Cervicalgia: Everything you need to know



Cervicalgia is a painful condition that affects the neck. Your neck has many sensitive nerve endings that are capable of feeling pain. The neck spine connects all the vertebrae in your upper back with your skull and allows for movement and rotation. It’s made up of seven vertebrae: three on either side of an axis called the C1-T1 joint (at the top), another three at its base known as the C2-T2 joints (midway down) and two more at its base known as the C3-T3 joints (near your collarbone).

Where is cervicalgia located?

Cervicalgia occurs in the neck area and can affect any of the seven cervical vertebrae. If the pain is experienced at the base of your skull, it’s probably a disorder of the C1-T1 joint. If you experience pain on one or both sides of your neck near your collarbone, it’s likely affecting the C2-T3 joints. If you have pain in your shoulder and neck area and experience tingling in your arms, it’s possible that the condition is affecting your C3-T1 joint.

What are the symptoms of cervicalgia?

Cervicalgia can cause pain in multiple areas of your neck, back, and shoulders. Some people may experience a constant, low-level pain that never goes away. Others may have an acute, sharp pain that comes on during physical activity or after performing any movements involving the neck (such as sneezing). In addition to these symptoms, you might also experience: Pain in your arm or hand Numbness in one or more fingers Weakness in one or more fingers Weakness of the muscles on one side of your face Bruised skin from a fall

Is cervicalgia a chronic condition?

Yes, it is classified as a chronic condition, which means it is likely to continue for an extended period of time.

Can cervicalgia cause headaches?

Yes, it can cause intense headaches, which is why it’s important to talk to your doctor about it regularly. If you’re in pain, they can prescribe you a course of treatment that will help regulate and lessen the intensity of your discomfort.

Can cervicalgia cause dizziness?

You might experience dizziness or lightheadedness if your cervicalgia is severe. This could be because the muscle spasm in and around the neck causes a lack of blood flow to the head, which makes you feel faint. Cervicalgia can also cause numbness or tingling sensations in your face or hands. If you experience these symptoms, it’s important to seek medical attention as soon as possible.

Can cervicalgia cause vertigo?

Yes. Vertigo, is a condition in which you feel like the world is spinning around. This is due to the inflammation of the cervical spine, or the neck spine. If you suffer from persistent dizziness, you should visit your doctor to rule out cervicalgia as the cause of your symptoms.

Can cervical cause tinnitus?

Tinnitus is the sensation of ringing, hissing, or buzzing in your ears. Tinnitus can be caused by a number of factors, including stress, noise exposure, and cervicalgia. Cervicalgia causes tinnitus because it causes pressure on the nerve that connects to your ear. This pressure can lead to neural hearing loss and tinnitus.

Can cervicalgia cause shoulder pain?

Yes, it may also cause pain in the shoulders and chest. The pain may extend to the top of your arms, or to your fingers and hands. You might feel neck pain, a burning sensation or tingling in your fingers, or numbness. The first thing you should do if you’re concerned is get an MRI to check for any abnormalities that could be causing the pain.

What type of doctor treats cervicalgia?

It’s treated by many different types of doctors, including neurologists, orthopedic surgeons, physical therapists, and chiropractors.

Can physiotherapy help cervicalgia?

Physiotherapy can definitely help. Physiotherapy is a treatment that uses the body’s own natural healing power to help ease pain and reduce inflammation while improving your overall movement. There are many different types of physiotherapy treatments available. Some use heat, others use cold, and some use massage in order to target specific muscles. We highly recommend our occipital neuralgia stretching routine as a fantastic preventative and relief measure.

One type of physiotherapy is known as joint mobilization or manual therapy. This is when a practitioner applies hands-on treatment to your shoulder or neck muscles in order to provide relief from symptoms, such as spasms, stiffness, and pain.

What is the icd 10 code for cervicalgia?

ICD-10 codes for cervicalgia include: C00.1 – C00.8 C01.0 – C01.4 C02.0 – C02.9 C03.9


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